So i've been working a little bit, these past few weeks, in this theater. I don't want to name names because that just wouldn't be nice, but i've been working. And the work i have been doing is pretty easy stuff for a guy like me who's been in the business for 15 years or so. Frankly, it's pretty easy stuff for a monkey too. What is killing me, is feeling like i am the only person in the room with initiative, drive, knowledge, caring, and the desire to please the client, or whoever is renting the building. I am, I think, at most times, the smartest person in the room. I never really thought i was too smart until i stopped hanging around smart people all the time! Damn, i miss you guys! And don't even get me started on bad senses of humor. I'm not talking about people who just don't have a sense of humor... that's fine and i can deal with that. What i can't deal with is people who talk incessantly about nothing at all (things they think are funny) because they haven't matured enough to learn (or may never) that silence is golden!
isn't it nice?
Take a few minutes.... take five, and listen to the silence. Can you turn off your brain? (this is a drug free activity... no cheating!)
just had to get that randomness down on 'papier'
isn't it nice?
Take a few minutes.... take five, and listen to the silence. Can you turn off your brain? (this is a drug free activity... no cheating!)
just had to get that randomness down on 'papier'
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