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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Asian Intentions

Three weeks in China makes me think
about what i've been doing these past
fourteen years. Waiting for fortune,
Karma, or chance to shine upon me.
What i do with this opportunity will
define me, or redefine me. Either way...

Will i find adventure in the few hours
I will have to myself? Will I document
this momentus occasion in my life?
Or will i merely do my job, drink the
local brew, and drift off to sleep as
I've become so accustomed to doing?

So many choices to make, and a job to do
make them ever harder. I will not waste
the chance to learn, to see, to feel, to
experience new places, new people, new life.
This is a turning point in my life and if
I don't take advantage, I simply lose.

Opportunity only knocks once -- every ten years
or so. Who would i be to ignore it? Who am I
to ignore the beauty of a situation? I am not.
I am proud and I will turn the corner, onto the
road paved with my true intentions. The intentions
that I have been avoiding for far too long.

Life is odd. And so am I. And so is this.


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