Travel, Sickness and Dogs

I leave for China in 7 days. I have never been to Asia, or Europe, or South America, or Antartica, or Africa, or Austrailia. I'm about to start getting really excited. But i've been holding off, especially since i've had pneumonia for the past week. Yeah, big bummer, lots of chest pain, plenty of Vicodin, Ibruprofin, and Azithromycin. They seem to be doing the trick. I'm in much less pain today than i was on Friday. I've accepted three gigs in the fog of the past week which is great. My season is really filling up... as per usual around this time of year. I've also turned down three gigs this past week. Standard. Rain/pour etc... Our dog, Xander is the best little canine in the world! A week and a half with us and he is a complete part of the nuclear family i call the Plumtree Road Experiment. Everything is going exactly as planned, except for me leaving for a month... I didn't plan that part but i'm sure it will be okay. At least my fish died before i left. I'd hate for B to have to deal with that on his own... by dealing i mean having to tell me on the phone, or more likely, via e-mail. I just hope there are no more health emergencies, pet disasters, family coups, etc for the rest of the year. I'm just going to be too damn busy for scandal, tragedy, pain, etc... and B just doesn't deserve any of that. He works too hard.
Funny, i feel like i'm praying. Praise be the internet, and all of you who make my words worth writing. There may be a return to poetry in my absence from the USA. Chiina is sure to invoke some long lost verbology.
Stay tuned and plan to see plenty of pictures from China.
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