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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Budgets suck!

Amazing the shit that slips through the cracks
while i wait to hear from the director of a show
that opens in three weeks. He's got great ambitions
according to e-mails forwarded to me, but have i heard from him personally?
It will be the same story, lights will set the mood and save the show
because there won't be any scenery or set dressing.

Ha... story of my life. Always the savior with a budget
that couldn't save one African child for a year.

It really cracks me up, what people expect from the LD.

"You'll create the atmosphere in every scene because we have no scenery."

"You'll fix it with Lighting."

"No one has any money so lights will take us from place to place."

If this is going to be the status quo for the rest of my career. give me more money in the lighting budget and pay me more to make your show wonderful.

Feel free to send contributions to me via PayPal to JBart74.



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