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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Two days to finish
what can I do to put it off?
Wash the dog?
No, too much effort.

I like to procrastinate
in a lazy fashion.
CNN has breaking news
but it's just senate reaction to Bush.

Uninterested i stroll outside for a smoke.
Damn! It's cold in Mass on January 11.
Smoke faster, maybe a plane has blown up.
Nope. Still just the senate. Damn!

Procrastination has taken on a new meaning in my house.

Tempt me with chores so i can put off work. And likely the chores too. Lazy fucker.


I Found a New Drug

Heuy Lewis was looking for it, but I have found it.
Doesn't make me too mad, doesn't make me too sad,
Doesn't keep me up all night, doesn't make me want to fight.
Klonopin is my new wonder drug.

It's not right for everybody looking for a wonder drug,
so don't go out and get a scrip just cuz it's working for me,
but let me tell you... I've started eating again for the first time in months.
Almost three meals a day. I'm not throwing up in the morning (every morning)
due to anxiety and a general over-reaction to life.
And Brandon thinks i'm sane again... which is really the most important thing.

I'm taking the lowest dose possible (.5mg 2x a day) and it's done wonders for me. Yay! I'm a real human being again!

Poetry to follow....


Family is good!

Wait for me to come to you
Be still and hold your tongue
You wait because you aren't quite sure
What consequences may occur.

As I teach you to trust me
You teach me to understand
Life is more than come and sit
As I struggle not to reprimand.

Our lives our so simplistic
When you and I are together
But as I continue to add the distractions
You need to learn to squash your reactions.

Mostly gone to pay the bills
I need my man to be so strong
I sleep to his music every night
And long for my week to be less long.

Flying home I cry on the plane
Fellow passengers guess why at random
But I am coming home to my family
To Xander, the dog, and my lover Brandon


Budgets suck!

Amazing the shit that slips through the cracks
while i wait to hear from the director of a show
that opens in three weeks. He's got great ambitions
according to e-mails forwarded to me, but have i heard from him personally?
It will be the same story, lights will set the mood and save the show
because there won't be any scenery or set dressing.

Ha... story of my life. Always the savior with a budget
that couldn't save one African child for a year.

It really cracks me up, what people expect from the LD.

"You'll create the atmosphere in every scene because we have no scenery."

"You'll fix it with Lighting."

"No one has any money so lights will take us from place to place."

If this is going to be the status quo for the rest of my career. give me more money in the lighting budget and pay me more to make your show wonderful.

Feel free to send contributions to me via PayPal to JBart74.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Working Again....

At least i am working
creating my craft
laughing at life,
those who are daft.

Light the shows and
make them pretty.
Impress the people
pretend to be witty.

Just do what i do
and hope for more
as begging for work
is such a chore.

My art is pure
my breadth, not small
but i sell it short
or not at all.

The time has come
for me to shine
to show the world
this art is mine!


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Poor Choices

Back to work and greeted with a handful of excrement.
Less money, more work, and it had better look great too.
Funny how my needs are no longer considered
now that my only ally has crossed the street.

They'll get what they get when I cut half the show
to fit the budget that decreases every year.
I have resigned myself to not care and that is a shame
because caring is the one thing I tend to do well.

I look back to Chess and see I did amazing things with forty
units and a video camera. Where is that inspiration tonight?
It's lost in the libretto of a poorly chosen show with
no redeeming qualities. What a shame. He has finally gone too far.